Tilbud på ubegrænset lagerplads fra Amazon
Zombie Steve Jobs (1) skrev:Jeg prøvede det kort men hodor, deres uploader er helt talentløs, man skal manuelt sætte den i gang. (altså på et sådan niveau, at man skal tilføje filer til uploadkøen hver gang man starter dåsen, så den skal stå og tygge i, hvad der nu er der og ikke er der i forvejen).
_tweak (2) skrev:Min tanke var først at der måtte være en catch i at deres båndbredde til den enkelte bruger så var begrænset. Men en upload-kø er jo .. ja :-)
V3jby (5) skrev:Jeg bruger [url]www.odrive.com[/url] den løser det sync probelm - så virker det pludselig ligesom dropbox
Som det burde med deres egen klient
"I'm sorry for the trouble you had with the Cloud Drive service.
Currently, Cloud Drive unlimited services are only available for customers located in the U.S. That is the reason why you were unable to see the Unlimited Plan.
I understand that you should not be able to order Amazon Cloud Drive - Unlimited Online Storage (1 Year Plan). But due to some technical error few international customers are allowed to place the order.
I'd like to bring to your kind attention that we are aware of this issue and our technical team has identified and working hard to fix it.
Further, I have requested our team to cancel the order #110-xxx-xxxx7842. You haven't been charged for this item, but an authorization may be visible on your account. This should be removed shortly depending on the policies of your bank.
If you still have any concerns, please contact us using the link below:
Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
Thanks for your patience while we fix this problem. We look forward to seeing you again soon. "
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