

Korruptionsanklage: Nu vil Rusland blokere YouTube og Instagram

- Via Jyllands-Posten - , indsendt af arne_v

En 21-årig escortpige lagde i 2016 et billede op på Instagram, som den russiske kontrolmyndighed nu kræver fjernet fra YouTube og Instagram. Hvis ikke så blokeres disse sociale medier i Rusland.

Billedet viser den russiske vicepremier-minister, Sergei Prikhodko, og den russiske minedrifts-rigmand Oleg Deripaska på sidstnævntes luksusyacht. Billedet er siden blevet flittigt delt af oppositions-lederen, Alexei Navalny.

Navalny mener, billedet beviser, at der er fundet bestikkelse sted. Det fortæller han i en video på YouTube, som er set mere end fire millioner gange. Se den nedenfor.

Rigmanden Deripaska kalder anklagerne løgnagtige og har klaget til den russiske kontrolmyndighed for medier og kommunikation (Roskomnadzor), som kræver billederne slettet inden i aften, ellers vil de blokere tjenesterne.

Alexei Navalny stillede oprindeligt op til præsidentvalget, der afholdes d. 18. marts, men er blevet udelukket på grund af en betinget dom, som han selv kalder politisk motiveret.

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Gravatar #1 - Brigadaus
15. feb. 2018 15:36
Skal lige siges at ham Alexei Navalny er russisk højrefløjs politik, på nationalisme niveau, bare flere grader slemmere end DF, det svarer lidt til Nazistpartiet i Danmark.

Gravatar #2 - arne_v
15. feb. 2018 16:23



The party's platform stands for the decentralization of power in Russia, cutting the number of government officials, lustration for those responsible for political repressions, reducing the president’s powers, possibly switching to a parliamentary republic, and ensuring the independence of the judiciary. It also stipulates "drastically reducing" government interference in the economy, ending censorship, prohibiting the government from owning media outlets, and abolishing conscription.

The foreign policy plank calls for introducing visas with Central Asia, stopping support for "rogue states" and partnering up with Western countries.

Gravatar #3 - Brigadaus
15. feb. 2018 17:26
#2 det er en forholdsvis ny tilføjelse, jeg ved ikke om du bevidst undgår Alexeis egen wikipedia side, hvor der står: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny#"...

On June 23, 2007, Navalny co-founded a new political movement, named "The People", which upheld the positions of "democratic nationalism", defined as a fight for democracy and the rights of ethnic Russians;[44] according to a Navalny's biographer, Navalny differentiates the ethnic and social aspects of the term, highlighting the latter.[48] (In Russian, "nation" is commonly defined as a social term, while "nationality" is seen as related to ethnicity.)

In June 2008, the movement joined forces with two other Russian nationalist movements, Movement Against Illegal Immigration (MAII) and Great Russia, to form a new coalition, Russian National Movement. Navalny declared the movement would participate in the next parliamentary elections, planning to get a great share of votes; he added, "up to 60% of the population upholds spontaneous nationalism, but it is not legally effectuated".[49] Later the same month, the MAII and The People signed a cooperation agreement; at the procedure, he defined the "new political nationalism" as democratic, "fundamentally and statistically", adding, "we can teach blatant liberals a thing or two". He also declared he wanted to distance the coalition from the skinheads, calling for close collaboration with the leftists and the liberals for fair elections the coalition "would win", and demanded for political liberalization and early parliamentary elections in Russia.[50]

In 2011, Navalny admitted the movement "The People" did not establish itself as a working structure.[51]
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