

OpenAI frigiver opdateret tekst-generator: Frygter fake news-brug

- Via The Next Web -

OpenAI har opdateret deres ‘text generator’, så den endnu mere præcist kan efterligne menneskeskabte tekster – prøv det selv nedenfor.

Nonprofitorganisationen OpenAI med blandt andre Microsoft og Tesla-chefen Elon Musk i ryggen arbejder løbende på at udvikle kunstig intelligens, der minder om menneskers måde at tænke på.

Organisationen har nu frigivet en opdatering til deres ‘GPT-2 text generator’, der ud fra så lidt som et enkelt ord kan danne længere tekst-bidder, der er skræmmende tæt på at ligne menneskeskabte tekster.

Det er kun et halvt år siden, at OpenAI udgav deres ‘124M parameter GPT-2 language model’, der som navnet indikerer gør brug af 124 millioner parametre. Den nye model er oppe på 774 millioner.

OpenAI har været skeptiske ved at udgive den opdaterede AI-software, fordi nogle kunne misbruge deres software til f.eks. at sende store mængder fake news i omløb.

Men organisationen mener samtidig, at det er vigtigt, at sikkerhedsforskere kan få fat i softwaren, så de kan udvikle måder, hvorpå man kan registrere, at der er tale om en AI-skabt tekst.

AI-ingeniøren Adam King har brugt OpenAIs opdaterede model til at lave Talk to Transformer, hvor man selv kan se de skræmmende resultater.

Læs også Elon Musk-støttet AI kan skrive troværdig fake news.

Gå til bund
Gravatar #1 - CBM
26. aug. 2019 07:48
Gravatar #2 - T_A
26. aug. 2019 09:00
Der er langt endnu før den kan lave fake news.
Prøve at starte 2 historier.

"Margrethe Vestager has once more gone after Microsoft"

"Margrethe Vestager has once more gone after Microsoft for not doing enough to fight against unfair and abusive practices by Amazon."

Giver jo ikke meget mening.

"Today I will go home after school and play with"

"Today I will go home after school and play with it, and play around, and I'll think about it like, 'What if someone else did this?'"

As you might expect, I am still a little obsessed with these tiny ball guns. I can't get enough.

In addition to the toy guns, I also have a couple extra knives. I've never had to actually make any knife-related decisions since I started this website (except for using the kitchen knife for cutting fruits—weird, right?), but I do need to make a knife before the weekend when I'm going to be making a dish.

These kids and their friend are pretty excited. They even have the scissors—they don't need the blades.

They don't.

How are you with knives?

I will be making dinner a few more times with these kids. I hope you don't mind."

Det kan være min tekst er for kort, men den fanger ikke at der må være tale om et barn/teenager, da det skal foregå efter skole og ud over det er teksten da ren sort.
Gravatar #3 - Unold
26. aug. 2019 09:15
Synes stadig det virker som en "lorem ipsum generator"... Virkelig sort tekst der kommer ud af den.
Gravatar #4 - CBM
26. aug. 2019 09:21
#2 og #3 .. enig... den er mest brugbar som crap generator til "hvem får det sidste ord" :-)
Gravatar #5 - PHP-Ekspert Thoroughbreed
26. aug. 2019 09:27
I like big butts and I cannot lie you other brothers can't deny I am a big guy. I am going to play with big butts but I also like to have some fun." Then, they laughed and I had a blast playing with my penis, not just my big butt."
Well - det tog et meget skummelt twist o_O
Gravatar #6 - CBM
26. aug. 2019 09:29
PHP-Ekspert Thoroughbreed (5) skrev:
I like big butts and I cannot lie you other brothers can't deny I am a big guy. I am going to play with big butts but I also like to have some fun." Then, they laughed and I had a blast playing with my penis, not just my big butt."
Well - det tog et meget skummelt twist o_O

Gravatar #7 - XiNiViD
26. aug. 2019 09:32
"I'd really like to not use this Talk to Transformer for"

"I'd really like to not use this Talk to Transformer for any other reason than it's really cheap. In general though, it has been an easy project to pull off and has been much easier that any transformer I've looked at.

First, we need a very basic circuit that we will draw together to figure out how we want to get things to work. We have two LEDs connected in series so we will start with that. Our current target is about 50mA. Our maximum current is about 1000mA. We'll draw on the circuit by using the circuit as follows...

For our transistors it would look something like this:

We also have a ground that we need to connect a resistor to since we are using 10A on one end of each LED. Connect that to the first LED as we did for our last transformer.

There are two ways to connect an inverter like this... but it all comes down to how you want to set it. The most simple way is to put it in series which means connecting the inverter to VCC. Since this inverter is in series,"

Gravatar #8 - Molgaard
26. aug. 2019 09:43
Unold (3) skrev:
Synes stadig det virker som en "lorem ipsum generator"... Virkelig sort tekst der kommer ud af den.

Det er da blot fordi du kan ikke læse latin.

Hvis man kan, så giver "Lorem ipsum" mere mening. :-)

Teksten stammer fra et værk af Cicero som hedder: "Finibus Bonorum et Malorum".

Mere fra Wikipedia her:

Gravatar #9 - TwistedSage
26. aug. 2019 10:25
Penis" and "penis penis" have been used to cover their tracks on the internet.

These are just a few examples of what we have known as "fake penis" and "fake penis phobia", including the term for "fake penis phobic" being "faux-penisphobia".

Fake-Penis Phobia

How to spot it

What looks like a fake penis is actually a picture of a real penis and the "penis" is simply an added layer that hides the problem. When you see a "fake penis" picture, it will always have at least two different layers of skin, depending on what they're trying to disguise.

Usually, it is very easy to spot the fake layer from the real one. However, if people do not identify what it means (and we have already warned against doing this), then they will not be able to distinguish an artificial penis from an actual penis.

The term "phobia" originally was used around 400-500 B.C. for something that is unpleasant or uncomfortable. There were many different phobias, for one thing.

How to prevent this
Gravatar #10 - CBM
26. aug. 2019 10:49
penis in ass

første forsøg:

penis in assimilation of another gender" by a woman and a man, and the former describes the male-female relationship. He uses a diagram to illustrate this relation. The arrows represent the penis pointing in, or the vagina being used by, the other sexual organ of the penis. The red arrow shows the male and the white arrow shows the female. The two sides of the red arrow cross, parallel to the penumbra on the female's face, while the red arrow points away from it toward the head of the penis. There are red "nipples," of course, showing the penis from head to tail. These are described with a diagram by a male, and the two sexes use different symbols in each. The male and the female both use three fingers at the end of each finger on each hand, and the two male and two female use a four-finger symbol on each arm, using the same symbols on both of their hands, one in back and the other in front. It is not clear how the males and the females relate to the other sex, but a diagram is


penis in ass, penis in ass, handbag in ass, dick in ass, penis in cunt, vagina, pussy, anus, ass, foot, foot, finger, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, dick, dick, penis, ass, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, toe

Including both and not including:

a) the names: in and out, in and out and out, in and out and in, and out and out and out, in and out and out but not in, out and out and in but not out, out and out but not in, out and out and in but not out, in and out but not out, and out and out and in but not out

b) the meanings: inside and out

c) the usage of, what, why

d) the meaning and usage of and

Including both and not including:

a) the names: in and out

b) the meaning and usage of and

3 gang:

penis in ass, the vagina is too far down for you, if you're a man, even having the ability to urinate or defecate.

A. When you're peeing and ejaculating, you can always push an arrow back out into the air.

Q. Are penis enlargement pills safe for women?

A. Yes, but not if they're for your man, or they're for a family member of that guy's. If it's your boyfriend or girlfriend, you're going to want to ask their doctor about their prescriptions.

Q. When a woman has genital pain, can pain medication help?

A. Not if you're doing something with your penis that was causing the pain. There are prescription pain medication that can help with most penile injuries, like ingrown hairs. The downside to all painkillers is that they can be very addictive and there's always the risk of side effects.

Q, How come all female athletes appear to be very young when there is nothing wrong with older women?

Gravatar #11 - CBM
26. aug. 2019 11:01
So we will be replaced by machines that are based on 100 years of human design and skip millions of years of evolution?
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Alpha Go is impressive, but I still can't hold a conversation about the weather after it beat me at Go.

So we will be replaced by machines that are based on 100 years of human design and skip millions of years of evolution?
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Alpha Go is impressive, but I still can't hold a conversation about the weather after it beat me at Go.
But the AI revolution looks pretty dramatic. It's not, as some pessimists believe, some sort of natural evolutionary progression: AI has become an artificial intelligence, and with AI, will have become something even more powerful than a super-intelligence.
It could be that with all the improvements that have come to computers, humans will find ways to exploit those improvements for their own benefit. In a world where a handful of human-run corporations are able to create a perfect market economy, this possibility seems to be much more plausible than a world of machines with the ability to create artificial agents that are even more advanced than themselves.
That's not really what the Singulatrons do: the idea is to replace intelligent agents with a new class of artificial intelligences who possess a greater level of intelligence – and this is something that AI researchers are

will humans be replaced by transformer

will humans be replaced by transformer circuits? There's no reason why in the next century or two we can't transform our human technology into some new way of creating, transforming and processing power — and I will make this case for it if you're interested.

There are two very real benefits to transistors. We can use them to perform things the way we had hoped they would perform, rather than the way electronics manufacturers had imagined them to do. As a computer scientist, this is a real game changer.

Second, transistors can be engineered to perform a lot more than their function has been designed for. We don't want them to just be used to perform calculations. A transistors' value depends not just on the speed of computation, but also on the speed with which calculations are performed and the efficiency of the processor's circuits.

I'm currently working with the company Qualcomm to develop a new set-top box, based on the Intel Edison design, which can have a transistors' value range from 15nm, to 28nm, to 42nm, to 60nm,
Gravatar #12 - Paranoir
26. aug. 2019 12:01

"Hi, my" =

Hi, my name is Liana. I live in the Middle East, where things usually go wrong for women," she said, smiling, wearing black robes over a white one, that hung over her head.

She said she was a Muslim but had been attending Sunday's meeting to protest what she sees as the "systematic oppression" being imposed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In this area, women have to hide their faces in public and wear headscarves.

They are also subjected to violence, she said. "I have been raped before and when we meet to discuss this problem in the room, they throw glass bottles on the ground and beat us to death."

A recent study suggested that 70 percent of girls and 60 percent of boys aged 10 to 14 have experienced sexual violence. According to UNICEF figures, one in five women and one in 10 men aged 14 to 49 have been sexually assaulted at school. The violence is often more severe for girls than them – their experiences of rape and sexual assault are twice as likely to be reported.
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