

CounterStrike guide – næsten

- Via Something Awful -

Something Awful har lavet en lille guide til at spille CounterStrike – en guide som må siges at være ‘næsten’ realistisk; et eksempel:

Kevlar: Its sole purpose in this game is to increase the time it takes to die from .02 seconds to .020003 seconds.

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Gravatar #1 - <3Thinkpads
24. sep. 2002 11:32
Ehm ik særlig sjov?

Der ligger jo en ½ million af den slags guides over det hele..
Gravatar #2 - BuFFer
24. sep. 2002 11:33
Et anderledes syn på CS.. gad vide hvor mange frags han selv får ved at bruge hans egne taktikker/guide ? <STRONG>:-P</STRONG>
Ret plad side entlig
Gravatar #3 - SaD
24. sep. 2002 11:37
hehe - den er sgu da skæg :)

<STRONG>AW/M</STRONG> - This is the feared and hated Arctic Warfare Magnum sniper rifle, also commonly called the "AWP" or "THE GUN THAT NOOB LAMER SHOT ME WITH ARRRRRGGGGG". It has been toned down in recent versions, meaning to kill someone you need to actually point it in their general direction, rather than the general direction of the continent they're standing on. On the off-chance the target doesn't die of sheer terror, you might have to go through the time-consuming process of pulling the trigger, which will inflict about the same level of damage as getting hit in the eye with an anti-tank missile covered with anthrax and gasoline.
Gravatar #4 - DuVedHvem
24. sep. 2002 11:39
Prøv at Læse WarCraft 3 manualen.. den er ski også sjov nok =)

Gravatar #5 - Trentors
24. sep. 2002 11:59
Jeps den er ganske grineren. Tag den CS-folks!
Gravatar #6 - Asj
24. sep. 2002 12:29

hehe frækt nok. . Harjsa alle
Hmm d var da sjaw nok ... den med kevlar.. ti hi ^^
Gravatar #7 - halal
24. sep. 2002 14:32
lol dæn WC3 gaide er for saj!

Gravatar #8 - killjoy
24. sep. 2002 17:07
Jeg er glad for at jeg holdt op med at spille cs for 1 år siden.Jeg fatter ikke at der nogle mennesker som stadig spiller det..
Gravatar #9 - funkymonkey
24. sep. 2002 17:38
...og jeg fatter ikke der stadig er nogle mennesker der tror på gud/guder............eller på Bush'es evner som præsident ;)
Gravatar #10 - killjoy
24. sep. 2002 18:02
#9 Så sandt så sandt....
Gravatar #11 - lord_heman
24. sep. 2002 19:49
LÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅL en fed 'guide'!!!!

<STRONG>Helmet</STRONG> - In this realistic mod, it's only natural that they would include real equipment, such as magical helmets that can repel a direct hit from the enemies' pathetic non-magical SAW machine guns. And since without a helmet you will die if your head gets struck by, say, a rock or an unnaturally pointy air molecule, it's a good idea to buy one and hope that the enemy doesn't decide to shoot at your body.

LOL! DET kalder jeg humor på HØJT plan! :o)
Gravatar #12 - killjoy
24. sep. 2002 20:35
Det bedste er at hvis man har spillet cs online, kan man genkende mange af de psykopatiske spillere der er beskrevet i artiklen. :)

<B>Captain Tactics:</B> After watching Full Metal Jacket 20 or 30 times, this fine young lad has learned everything there is to know about urban combat. Not only is he a military genius just waiting to be discovered and recruited by the Federal Bureau of Discovering and Recruiting Military Geniuses, but he is benevolent enough to share his foolproof battle plans with the rest of his team, and even inform all the other players whenever their strategies do not meet with his approval. Lucky them! <B>Signature move:</B> Saying "rush right", charging off by himself into a hail of enemy gunfire, then repeatedly saying "u stupid lusers didnt rush w/me or id be alive. assholes" <B>Strategy:</B> Take a shot at him with a pump shotgun from all the way across the map. You can easily dispatch him seconds later when he stops playing to type out a 500-word essay on why shotguns should not be used at long range.
Gravatar #13 - iluka
24. sep. 2002 20:51
heh! Det sjove er at de fleste citater kan høres igen og igen på en hver internetcafe rundt omkring i landet (oversat til dansk, da de fleste CS spillere ikke er gamle nok til at fatte hvad de betydder på engelsk)

En klassikker der gælder de fleste "realistiske" spil er mængden af skade der skal til før du dør af det. Uden at have prøvet det, så føler jeg mig temmeligt overbevist om at en kugle i hovedet slår dig ihjæl, eller i det mindste gør dig ukampdygtig... i de fleste "realistiske" spil som CS kan en almindelig pistol ikke dræbe.

<STRONG>citat:</STRONG> Always keep in mind that the game hates you specifically, and that it is completely unrealistic that 7 .50-caliber slugs to the head will kill you or have any effect beyond a slight ringing in your left ear.
Gravatar #14 - PaNiX
25. sep. 2002 13:49
Jeg er altid klar på en go' gang humor, og det her er humor i høj klasse. Jeg synes den måde han malker alt det urealistiske ud af CS er fedt (Ja, CS er urealistisk, men det er alle spil mere eller mindre)
Gravatar #15 - Lonestar
26. sep. 2002 10:26
Det eneste realistiske spil der nogensinde er lavet er:
<STRONG>Day Of The Tentacle</STRONG>
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